Congratulations on your admission and welcome to the College of Health and Human Services at ɫƵ! We at ɫƵ look forward to an intense, yet enjoyable academic career with you and are eager to integrate you into our program. This website highlights the essentials on how to navigate course registration, academic advising, and walks you through other details that establish you as a student at ɫƵ.
Please peruse the links below, which provide you the needed information to be successful as you begin your academic journey in our MSN program.
Our faculty and staff are passionate about student success and dedicated to a philosophy of enhancing human health and preserving a good quality of life.
If you have further questions, your next step is to speak with an academic advisor. The information to follow will give you specific instructions on how to schedule an appointment.
Dr. Gannon Tagher
Dean of theCollege of Health & Human Services
Congratulations on your acceptance into the Master of Science in Nursing Practice (MSN) Program within the College of Health and Human Services. This is an exciting time as you begin to advance your role and responsibilities in providing care to all people in avariety of settings. We are honored and look forward to working with you as you continue to impact health care in a variety of settings; while, at the same time making contributions to our nursingprofession.
As we face challenges in healthcare systems the leadership, knowledge and expertise of you as masters prepared nurses is critical for the care of individuals, families, groups, and society. Your time in the MSN program will be challenging yet extremely rewarding. You will find the curriculum to be accelerated, engaging and will well prepare you to provide leadership in all healthcare settings. Faculty and I look forward to meeting you.
Welcome to the NKU Norse family!
Dr. Anne Sahingoz
Director, Master of Science in Nursing Program
The MSN program philosophy in the School of Nursing is guided by the mission of ɫƵ and College of Health & Human Services and is grounded in the Essentials: Core Competencies for Professional Nursing Education, QSEN, and the Future of Nursing Report. The MSN program prepares the graduate to be a steward of the discipline. Masters’ education starts from the student’s practice experience, advances through individualized, student-centered and transformational opportunities, and culminates in the graduate assuming the nurse expert role. Masters learning includes opportunities for the improvement of health outcomes across diverse populations utilizing the best evidence and clinical judgement. Students and faculty promote academic excellence, professionalism, integrity, and inclusiveness within the advanced nursing community through shared responsibility, interprofessional collaboration, teamwork, and mentoring relationships. This individualized student- centered learning takes place in a scholarly community grounded in standards for rigor, the nursing imperative of caring, and a plurality of voices.
In order to know which classes to enroll in for your first term, please reach out to your academic advisor.
In order to earn the Master of Science in Nursing - Nursing Education Concentration online, students must complete 11 courses (33 credit hours), which includes four core courses (12 credit hours), and seven concentration courses (21 credit hours). Each course is seven weeks long. 200 clinical hours are required to complete the program.
Academic plan and course sequence for the Nursing Education program.
Nurse Executive Leadership Concentration
In order to earn the Master of Science in Nursing – Nurse Executive Leadership Concentration online, students must complete 11 courses (33 credit hours), which includes four core courses (12 credit hours), and seven concentration courses (21 credit hours). Each course is seven weeks long. 100 clinical hours are required to complete this program.
Academic plan and course sequence for the Nurse Executive Leadership program.
Family Nurse Practitioner
In order to earn the Master of Science in Nursing – Family Nurse Practitioner online,
students must complete 19 courses (47 credit hours), which includes eight core courses (24 credit hours), five clinical courses (5 credit hours) with a total of 600 clinical hours, and six family nurse practitioner specialty courses (18 credit hours). Each course is seven weeks long.
Academic plan and course sequence for the Family Nurse Practitioner program.
Adult Gero Acute Care Nurse Practitioner
In order to earn the Master of Science in Nursing – Adult-Gero Acute Care Nurse Practitioner online, students must complete 18 courses (46 credit hours), which includes eight core courses (24 credit hours), five clinical residency courses (5 credit hours), five specialty courses (15 credit hours), and one capstone (3 credit hours). Each course is seven weeks long.
Academic plan and course sequence for the Adult Gero Accute Care Nurse Practitioner program.
Psych Mental Health Nurse Practitioner
Students in the Master of Science in Nursing – Psych-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner online program must complete 18 courses (46 credit hours) comprised of eight core courses (24 credit hours), five concentration courses (15 credit hours), five clinicals (5 credit hours), and a capstone course (3 credit hours). Each course is seven weeks long.
Academic plan and course sequence for the Psych Mental Health Nurse Practitioner program.
The School of Nursing advisors are dedicated to your academic success. Understanding your program of study and course sequencing are critical components of successful program progression and completion.
While an advising appointment is not required, we are happy to provide guidance and answer your questions at any time.
To learn who your advisor is and to schedule a face-to-face or phone
appointment with your MSN Advisor please use the following link:
Appointments may be made prior to or after your initial enrollment. Likewise, an
advising appointment may be made at any time throughout your program, as
needed. We are happy to work with you!
Canvas is used for all School of Nursing courses. Navigation of Canvas will need to be mastered for successful course management. Here is a training to use Canvas as a student through NKU:
It is at the discretion of the faculty member when the course opens in canvas, not Information Technology. Faculty are not required to open the course until the 1st day of class. If you do not see your course showing, it is most likely that the faculty has not opened it.
To log onto Canvas, visit and enter your username and password. The courses for which you have registered should be listed. You can access the course(s) by clicking on the course title once the course has been made available by the instructor as noted above. Once you access the course(s), you will find an announcement with an introduction and directions for the course.
In addition to your registered classes, you will be required to self-enroll in your individual concentration shell within Canvas.
Each site provides a vast amount of information relevant to your individual concentration. Of significant importance is the student handbook. This should be located on the first module of the Canvas “course”. It is your responsibility to familiarize yourself with the Canvas site and what it contains. We have made every effort to provide important information and forms as well as address your questions and concerns on this site. You should check for announcements daily as these can be time sensitive.
Once you have registered for classes, follow this link to self-enroll in the Graduate Sudent Corner Canvas Shell:
Once there, click on the “Enroll in Course” button which will give you access to this course.
Questions should be directed to
Students should check the NKU Academic Calendar for questions related to Campus wide deadlines, i.e. last day to drop a class, holidays, last day to register, etc. The Academic calendar can be found in the "Quick Links" drop down menu on the upper right corner of any NKU webpage.
**Please reference the 7 week sections for each academic session**
All accelerated online program tuition and fees are due at the beginning of the FIRST SESSION for all courses registered for that semester. Full payment must be received by the first day of class or your classes will be dropped for non-payment. Due to the short nature of each session, no payment plan is available.
Additional payment information for the accelerated online programs.
Please be aware that each course section you are enrolled in may be in a different SESSION and therefore have separate drop dates for tuition adjustments. Please access the Academic Calendar and review the dates that impact YOU!
Please contact Student Account Services for any further questions.
Location: Lucas Administration Building Second Floor, Room 235
Attn: Student Account Services
Nunn Drive, LAC 235
Highland Heights, KY 41099
Phone: 859-572-5204
FAX: 859-572-6087