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Humans of Greater Cincinnati Post: A backyard with lots of green grass and a tree with hammock in it's shade.
This photo combines two very important aspects of my life; my childhood upbringing, as well as what life has looked like for me during this global pandemic. This tree symbolizes something far beyond the simplicity of life, this represents my childhood and my protector who watched me grow up. For the past 18 years this tree has allowed me to see the world from all angles; from a kid with an unlimited imagination to an adult trying to cope with a devastating pandemic. Ashley, the tree, watched my young and naive self dig into her dirt for hidden treasures, to grow into my more aware self now learning a new trade (ukulele) while watching the world fight off something far greater than us all. No matter how my view of the world has shifted, Ashley has and will always represent hope for myself and beyond. #journeytonku2020 #beanorse